The art of San Soo teaches you how to manipulate the skeletal structure
with less physical strength and effort

kids with special needs

Join Us Today 310 985-0354



At Kung-Fu San Soo LA we have been working with kids with special needs for quite a few years, kids with all kinds of conditions, including Autism/Aspergers, Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, Fragile X Chromosome Deficiency and Soto's Syndrome.


Where and how the student is placed in a class depends upon the student's ability to function in a general class. If it is not possible to place a student in the general class then we arrange for one-on-one instruction. We have been asked on many occasions by families of some of our kids "why can't we set up a class for kids with the same type of condition?" The reason we do not is simple: with most conditions the student's ability can be all over the spectrum. Finding a group of similar functioning kids is not easy. For example, in Aspergers a child may have very little social integration and volatile emotions that can be a disturbing factor for a general class. Therefore, that student may benefit much more with one-on-one instruction. Most students who participate in one-on-one instruction are able to join the general class after a series of private sessions. The number of one-on-one sessions depends on the student. Once the student begins attending the general class many positive things start to happen. The student tends to work up to the level of the class, they build more confidence, and they are able to perform better in other areas of their life: they become more focused in school, sports become easier, and eye hand coordination improves. We are discussing about children in this section, but it also applies when we are dealing with adults who have special needs.


When we work one-to-one with the student, each session is tailored to the individual. For example, with a student with Cerebral Palsy it will depend on the mobility of the student. Is he able to complete certain movements? Do we need to alter a move so the student can now execute a technique that has been specifically designed for him or her? When we have kids or adults in wheelchairs we teach them how the wheelchair can become their foundation. They learn to use the chair in many ways. Suddenly, the person who was considered handicapped becomes a person of strength. Another example of the benefits of a private session using Aspergers, is sensory integration. The child with Aspergers can be sensitive to touch, whether it is by human contact or just the clothing they are wearing. These are things that the student gets over in time, or builds a tolerance for, which makes functioning in their world much easier as they get older. Another sensory aspect for some Asperger kids is walking on their toes. In some cases this is how they get their sensory input. The problem it creates is the potential for surgery on their tendons. The Achilles tendon tends to shrink after years of doing this and can potentially tear or rupture. To help counter this, we use weapons for them to hold like a Staff or a Quan-do. Holding either one creates additional weight and allows them to learn how to use their foundation with their feet being firmly planted on the ground. Over time they lose the habit of walking on their toes.



We experience many wonderful successes like this with our students the longer they stay with us. In fact frequently at Kung-Fu San Soo LA many of the instructors and students build bonds with our special needs students and their families. One of the things that sets us apart from other schools is how our student's personal sensitivity increases. This starts in our youngest classes. They learn about the difficulties that some kids have when they are diagnosed with a condition that is different from them. Our general students will be the ones in school to protect another student who may appear different and may suffer a trauma caused when a bully may go after them for being different. This builds great character for our kids, and sets a strong foundation for them as they grow up in a difficult and challenging world. As they get older, they begin to realize that from a young age they have been able to make a difference in another person's life.